domingo, 23 de febrero de 2020

Encyclicals Illustrated - ICD Project. USD dollar. USA

A project called ICD in Spain  has emerged, the acronym for "illustrating Church documents." We believe that the encyclicals are like precious diamonds hidden by a thick bargain.

Cover of the illustrated Humanae Vitae

But all this has to be paid. We believe that Providence is behind all this.

This is how to collaborate and make this happen:

There is an email address below. Write there and you will be given an account number of a bank in Spain. Or by paypal to that same email. Both the encyclicals illustrated and the Angelus books (which we will talk about below) are especially suitable for parishes and catechesis. 

The project is financed by buying books. Each year it is expected to illustrate three encyclicals, in this order and dates:

  • 2020: Humanae Vitae (already made a book, the only one to this date), Deus Caritas Est (will be ready on August 30), Lumen Fidei (on December 30)
  • 2021 Laudato Si (on April 30, 2021), Hauriestis Aquas (end of August 2021), Gaudete et exsultate (end of December 2021).

Each encyclical costs 44 USD. The first one that is purchased has that price with which the project is sustained.

You can buy an encyclical that will be illustrated in the future - for example, Laudato Si - but the book will arrive on the indicated date (with the example of Laudato Si, on April 30, 2021)
In addition, there are also books sold with the Pope's prayer during Sunday's Angelus in a comic plan. It costs 13 USD each.

And there are packages. The most interesting to make the project happens is that of a year.

In this one-year package, the 3 encyclicals illustrated for that year are received (two copies of Humanae Vitae, two copies of Deus Caritas Est, two copies of Lumen Fidei), three books with the 2017 Angelus prayer and three other books with the prayer of the Angelus 2018.

But since this is about making it happen, there is an offer (OFFER!) that ends on March 20, 2020. In that offer, each encyclical costs 13 USD.

Image of the interior of the encyclical Humanae Vitae

Video of the Humanae Vitae.

We encourage the one-year package. But for the one that cannot afford it there is the offer.
These prices are for USA, Italy, Spain, England, Ireland, France, Austria and Germany. Out of that list, the extra cost of shipping has to be considered. Better check it out and ask by email.

Packages and offers.

  • An example: John Doe writes to the address indicated and his postal information is requested. John Doe pays for one year. Within two weeks, 8 books arrive, including 2 copies of the illustrated Humanae Vitae. At the end of August two Deus Caritas Est illustrated and at the end of December, two more books of Lumen Fidei. If John Doe wants more copies-books  of the encyclicals, just pay them at a rate of 16 USD each. They will arrive at his home.

  • Another example: Jane Doe does not want any package, but only buys a Laudato Si illustrated in German on March 10, 2020. She writes to the email address, they respond, pay 13 USD by paypal and on the promised date (on April 30, 2021) the encyclical illustrated in German arrives at his house.

Please write to this address in order to participate in the project, to consult shipments to other countries or to make a payment in paypal:
We hope you will be encouraged and that this will happen. It is something that can do a lot of good.

sábado, 22 de febrero de 2020

Encyclicals Illustrated - ICD Project. Euros. Europe.

Humanae Vitae, Deus Caritas Est, Laudato Si ... so up to almost 300. These are the encyclicals that have been written. All have a common denominator: few have read any. Even if they have a capital importance in history.

Encyclicals have a difficult language. Some of them are solemnly bored. As if describing the growth of a tree day by day. And yet, there are few things as beautiful as a tree.

A project called ICD in Spain  has emerged, the acronym for "illustrating Church documents." We believe that the encyclicals are like precious diamonds hidden by a thick bargain. How to bring the diamond to light?

Some believe to see the end of an era in our day. Maybe. What is certain is that the family has rarely suffered such a fierce attack and the Christians such a stubborn persecution.

That is why the ICD Project has arisen: the encyclicals contain the tools with which to deal with threats. They contain truths.
And just as the Via Crucis was the first comic in history to illustrate the heart of Christianity, we also believe that (in a distant way) illustrating the encyclicals and other documents that are in the Vatican website may help a lot. They contain many truths. We want to spread them as a way to spread knowledge and change opinions.

Following the flow of a very famous film, we will say that the encyclicals have the super-power to fight the evils of the world. But the diamond has to come to light, the encyclical has to be illustrated so that it can be read easily. As if it were a comic. And so its scope will multiply.

At the rate of three encyclicals illustrated per year, this is our relationship of super-heroes, encyclicals and evils fought for 2020 and 2021. They are superheroes of which we presume now, in the promotion of the project, and not in the encyclical itself -based on concepts outside the world of superheroes. None of these characters are in any encyclical. With them we want to demonstrate in a new way that the encyclicals are a real good that can drown more than one evil.

  • Character “Naturae” of the encyclical Laudato Si to tell the truths of environmentalism
  • Character "Viriditas" of the encyclical Haurietis Aquas on the Sacred Heart for disoriented youth
  • Character "Dux Caritate" of the encyclical Deus Caritas Est to make clear which is the core of Christianity and thus face one of the greatest evils of the time, the loneliness.
  • Character "Armis" of the encyclical Gaudete et exsultate to proclaim the joy of the Gospel and combat physical poverty and moral poverty.
  • Character “Ingenium” of the encyclical Lumen Fidei to fight corruption with the force of Faith.
  • Character "Sagitta" of the encyclical Humanae Vitae to combat the so-called "Sexual Revolution" that has brought with it so many sorrows.

The encyclical illustrated select parts of the encyclical text to illustrate it. That is why they are also offered in English, French, Italian, Slovenian, and German. The project takes advantage of other translations.

Cover of the illustrated Humanae Vitae in spanish, but it looks similar in any other language.

Reading an encyclical illustrated is like reading an entire encyclical, capturing its spirit and literally reproducing its words. The encyclical illustrated selects the juiciest parts to illustrate, but does not change even a single comma.

But all this has to be paid. We believe that Providence is behind all this.

This is how to collaborate and make this happen. There is an email address below. Write there and you will be given an account number of a bank in Spain. Or by paypal to that same email. Both the encyclicals illustrated and the Angelus books (which we will talk about below) are especially suitable for parishes and catechesis. It is a good gift and a good cause. Surely in your parish they will put it to good use. Recommended.

The project is financed by buying books. Each year it is expected to illustrate three encyclicals, in this order and dates:

  • 2020: Humanae Vitae (already made a book, the only one to this date), Deus Caritas Est (will be ready on August 30), Lumen Fidei (on December 30)
  • 2021 Laudato Si (on April 30, 2021), Hauriestis Aquas (end of August 2021), Gaudete et exsultate (end of December 2021).

Each encyclical costs 40 EUR. The first one that is purchased has that price with which the project is sustained. The second, third, etc. costs 15 EUR. It is also in English, French, Italian, Slovenian, and German.

You can buy an encyclical that will be illustrated in the future - for example, Laudato Si - but the book will arrive on the indicated date (with the example of Laudato Si, on April 30, 2021)
In addition, there are also books sold with the Pope's prayer during Sunday's Angelus in a comic plan. It costs 12 EUR each. In english. Also in spanish and in Italian.
And there are packages. The most interesting to make the project happens is that of a year. In the table you will also see how much you pay per book at the end.
In this one-year package, the 3 encyclicals illustrated for that year are received (two copies of Humanae Vitae, two copies of Deus Caritas Est, two copies of Lumen Fidei), three books with the 2017 Angelus prayer and three other books with the prayer of the Angelus 2018. That is, five different titles and 12 books.
But since this is about making it happen, there is an offer (OFFER!) that ends on March 20, 2020. In that offer, each encyclical costs 13 EUR.

Image of the interior of the encyclical Humanae Vitae

Video of the Humanae Vitae.

We encourage the one-year package. But for the one that cannot afford it there is the offer.
These prices are for USA, Italy, Spain, England, Ireland, France, Austria and Germany. Out of that list, the extra cost of shipping has to be considered. Better check it out and ask by email.

Packages and offers.

  • An example: John Doe writes to the address indicated and his postal information is requested. John Doe pays for one year. Within two weeks, 8 books arrive, including 2 copies of the illustrated Humanae Vitae. At the end of August two Deus Caritas Est illustrated and at the end of December, two more books of Lumen Fidei. If John Doe wants more copies-books  of the encyclicals, just pay them at a rate of 16 USD each. They will arrive at his home.

  • Another example: Jane Doe does not want any package, but only buys a Laudato Si illustrated in German on March 10, 2020. She writes to the email address, they respond, pay 13 USD by paypal and on the promised date (on April 30, 2021) the encyclical illustrated in German arrives at his house.

Both John and Jane Doe have collaborated so that the ICD can happen in their own way.

Please write to this address in order to participate in the project, to consult shipments to other countries or to make a payment in paypal:
We hope you will be encouraged and that this will happen. It is something that can do a lot of good.